Saturday, October 15, 2011

When life gives you LEMONS, make LEMONADE

I have multimillion things to share, starting with the reason for absence from blogger for over a month. I was bamboozled at work, working late nights, weekend panic attacks, rushing through deadlines all for a greater good: A WEEK LONG VACATION!!!!. I am a planner, I plan everything in life starting from my goals to mundane things like what to wear to work the NEXT week. On one of those relatively easy on the schedule days when I could stretch and take my eyes off my computer I drew up a plan on what I would wear for the entire vacation week. The plan consisted of a detailed approach and included lists of items I should carry. By Friday evening I was pretty much sure I wouldn't be able to reach home earlier than 11pm... I couldn't care much for, I had a task at hand and responsibility to finish before I could sip my Marguerite and enjoy the colors of fall. I reached back home tired and wanting to rest my back on my comfy bed, in midst of extreme tiredness I FORGOT to pack my bags. The next day morning when the cuckoo flew over my next, dad was heard straining his vocal chords, it was more of a war cry I believe. He threatened to abandon me if I didn't bring my suitcase down in 10 minutes. I opened my wardrobe, pulled out whatever I could lay my hands on and was present downstairs in a matter of 5 minutes. At that point missing my flight was far more important than looking chic and stylish during the vacations. The point I want to highlight is No matter how much we plan and plot, life decides it's own.

Life has given me many U-turns. Many times, I have stood at the cross roads and wondered "WHAT NEXT". We humans have a special trait : Ability to learn from our mistakes and  bounce back stronger. I did just that, found that perfect door every time which was kept open for me  though what I hoped and wished was completely different. People around me feel that there is no point in living a well scripted play. Even OSWALD says so (Octopuses are never this cute). I like it this way, the script is definitely Indian with full of rainbow colors :). It gives me a sense of satisfaction that I have not wasted yet another day on Earth. Planning helps me to utilize my energy in the right direction. I do agree that, living life by the rule books can suck out the fun element.  How do you like your life? Planned or Random?

P.S: I spent my entire vacation on a single pair of jeans and borrowed clothes.

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